The African Activists Association of UCLA Presents our
5th annual colloquium
The Conflict of Re-Presentation:
Re-Presenting Conflict
In Africa
The goal of this conference is to gather new scholarship on the continent of Africa that challenges the frames of reference as to how Africa is viewed both at home and abroad. Tribulations on the continent of Africa are often posed in generic and static terms that do not fully appreciate the complexity of the historical roots that underlie them. As a continent continuously misrepresented in both popular and non-popular mediums of communication, this conference will function as a space of re-presentation of the voices and histories of the seldom heard. This is a space of creative scholarship that will bring together a wide-range of topics that proffer new vision and resolution.
We deeply invite submissions from all people and all disciplines. Examples of possible disciples are, but are not limited to:
Peace and Conflict Studies
Political Science
Historical/Applied Linguistics
World Arts and Cultures
Public Health
Feminist Theory
Comparative Literatures
We request that you submit a 250-word abstract that clearly defines your proposed presentation. Presentations will be 15 minutes long (estimated 8 pages double spaced). The conference will take place at UCLA on May 14th and 15th of 2010.
Please send them to
In Peace,
Cassandra Tesch and Deborah Dauda of The African Activists Association